Gracie Barra Novi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu offers no-excuses world class BJJ training in a family friendly atmosphere.
We know that walking into a martial arts gym for the first time can be a daunting experience for anyone, especially new comers to martial arts. At Gracie Barra Novi, we start from the top down preaching respect and encouragement out of all of our students. Our goal is to provide a motivational, inclusive culture that builds all students up and supports the Gracie Barra motto of “Jiu-Jitsu for Everyone”.
When we say everyone, we truly mean everyone. We have men, women and children as young as 3 up to adults in their 50’s. We have incredibly gifted athletes and adults simply wanting to get in better shape with a highly motivated group of individuals. We even have one student who is legally blind who is excelling at an incredible rate.
When we talk about world class training, it’s not just a tag line, it’s our mission. No other schools in the area bring in the talent that Gracie Barra Novi and Burton bring in on an annual basis. Talent like Garry Tonon, Lucas Leite, Romulo Barral, and Bernardo Faria, all of which have won world BJJ titles. We bring in world champion practitioners 1 to 2 times per year to complement the already outstanding technique of head black belt instructor Prof Jim Burchfield, and the world class training curriculum provided by the Gracie Barra franchise.
So if you are looking to just get in shape and break the tired old cycle of “picking things up and putting them down”, or if you want to learn one of the most powerful martial arts on the planet with the hopes of becoming a world champion (of which Gracie Barra schools have trained more than any other BJJ franchise) then Gracie Barra Novi Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu is the place for you!